1 state agency
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > state agency
2 State Agency
Общая лексика: ГУ -
3 state agency
Общая лексика: ГУ -
4 state agency
5 state agency
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > state agency
6 State Agency for Information, Resources and Technology
National Agency for Information Resources, Technology and Communication (NAIRTC)Национальное агентство информационных ресурсов, технологий и связи (Кыргызской Республики)State Agency for Information Resources and Technology (SAIRT)Государственное агентство информационных ресурсов и технологий (при Правительстве Кыргызской Республики)(The new Kyrgyz passport is light blue in color and as of yet comes in only one type: Regular (P). There are, as of yet, no Diplomatic or Official passports for Kyrgyz officials, even though they are expected to be issued by the end of 2006. The passport was issued by the State Agency for Information, Resources and Technology (SAIRT) until late 2005 and is now issued by the National Agency for Information, Resources, Technology and Communication (NAIRTC). NAIRTC offices can be found in regional capital throughout Kyrgyzstan.)Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > State Agency for Information, Resources and Technology
7 State Agency for Deposit Insurance
Банковское дело: Государственная корпорация Агентство по страхованию вкладовУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > State Agency for Deposit Insurance
8 State Agency for Information Resources and Technologies under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > State Agency for Information Resources and Technologies under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
9 State Agency for Deposit Insurance and Bank Rehabi
Agencija za osiguranje Å¡tednih ulogaEnglish-Croatian dictionary > State Agency for Deposit Insurance and Bank Rehabi
10 Operational State Agency for Irrigation
Нефть и газ: ЭМГУ, Эксплуатационно-мелиоративное государственное учреждение, EMGUУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Operational State Agency for Irrigation
11 The State Agency on Bankruptcy Affairs
Правительство: Государственное агентство по вопросам банкротстваУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > The State Agency on Bankruptcy Affairs
12 because of abolition (of a state agency)
Юридический термин: в связи с упразднением (государственного органа)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > because of abolition (of a state agency)
13 chief editor of Russian State Agency RIA Novosti
Ebay. Главный редактор ФГУП РАМИ «РИА Новости»Универсальный англо-русский словарь > chief editor of Russian State Agency RIA Novosti
14 deputy chief editor of Russian State Agency RIA Novosti
Общая лексика: заместитель главного редактора ФГУП РАМИ «РИА Новости»Универсальный англо-русский словарь > deputy chief editor of Russian State Agency RIA Novosti
15 ♦ state
♦ state /steɪt/A n.1 (solo al sing.) stato; condizione; disposizione; grado; situazione: state of health, stato di salute; mental state, stato di mente; state of mind, disposizione (o stato) d'animo; a state of melancholy, uno stato d'animo malinconico; in a hypnotic state, in stato ipnotico; (form.) in a state of undress, svestito; nudo; She is in no state to travel, ella non è in condizioni di viaggiare; financial state, situazione finanziaria; (fis.) to be in a solid [liquid, gaseous] state, essere allo stato solido [liquido, gassoso]2 (fam.) condizioni penose: When I last saw her she was in a complete state, l'ultima volta che l'ho vista era messa malissimo; to be in a real (o in quite a) state, essere ridotto male; essere tutto agitato, turbato; Look what a state you're in!, guarda come ti sei ridotto!3 (polit.) stato; paese; nazione: head of state, capo di Stato; affairs of state, affari di Stato; Church and State, la Chiesa e lo Stato; the United States of America, gli Stati Uniti d'America; police state, Stato di polizia; buffer state, stato cuscinetto4 [u] cerimonia; pompa; parata; gala: to dine [receive sb.] in state, pranzare [ricevere q.] in pompa magna; robes of state, abiti da parata5 [uc] dignità; posizione sociale; alto rango; pompa regale; pretesa; pretenziosità; stile di vita: luxuries befitting his state, lussi che si addicono al suo alto rango7 (arc.) trono; baldacchinoB a. attr.1 di (o dello) stato; statale; pubblico: state visit, visita di stato; state papers, documenti di stato; state pension, pensione statale ( di un lavoratore); state schools, scuole statali; scuole pubbliche3 di rappresentanza; ufficiale: state apartments, appartamenti di rappresentanza; a state reception, un ricevimento ufficiale4 ( USA) – State, dello (o di uno) Stato ( dei 50 che formano l'Unione): the State Senate, il Senato dello Stato ( di cui si scrive o si parla)● state agency, ente pubblico; azienda statale; impresa pubblica □ (econ.) state-aided, sovvenzionato dallo stato □ (leg., USA) State (o State's) Attorney, Procuratore dello Stato ( di uno dei 50 stati; e non federale) □ a state ball, un ballo a corte □ (fin., USA) a state bank, una banca di un singolo Stato (non una «national bank») □ (fin.) state bond, titolo di stato □ state border, confine di stato; (in USA) confine di uno Stato □ (naut.) state cabin, cabina di lusso; ( marina mil.) cabina del comandante □ (econ.) state capitalism, capitalismo di stato □ (fin.) state conglomerate, conglomerata pubblica □ (econ.) state-controlled, a controllo (o a partecipazione) statale; parastatale; dirigistico: state-controlled enterprise, azienda a partecipazione statale; state-controlled body, ente parastatale; state-controlled economy, economia dirigistica □ (econ.) state-controlled price, prezzo di calmiere □ (in USA) the State Department, il Dipartimento di Stato ( il Ministero degli Esteri) □ (leg., USA) State's evidence, testimonianza a carico dei complici ( nel processo penale); collaboratore di giustizia; pentito: to turn State's evidence, testimoniare a carico dei complici (cfr. ingl. Queen's evidence, sotto evidence); diventare collaboratore di giustizia (o un pentito) □ (econ.) state finance, finanza pubblica □ (agric.) state forest, foresta demaniale □ (fin.) state holding company, finanziaria pubblica; ente di gestione □ (in USA) State line, confine di (uno) Stato □ (econ.) state monopoly, monopolio di stato □ the state of the art, il livello cui è giunta la tecnica ( nel lavoro, nello sport, ecc.) □ state-of-the-art, aggiornato; all'avanguardia, il più avanzato, modernissimo □ (stor.) the States of the Church (o the Papal States), lo Stato Pontificio □ the state of play, ( sport) la situazione del gioco, come si mette la partita; (fig.) la situazione attuale, il quadro della situazione □ state of war, stato di guerra □ (in GB) State Opening of Parliament, (cerimonia di) apertura ufficiale del nuovo parlamento □ (econ.) state-owned, di proprietà dello stato; pubblico: state-owned agencies, enti pubblici; state-owned enterprise, azienda di stato □ (econ.) state-planned economy, economia pianificata □ (econ.) state planning, pianificazione statale □ (leg., USA) State prison, prigione per rei di crimini gravi □ state property, beni dello stato; demanio □ state religion, religione di stato □ state schooling, istruzione in scuole statali (o pubbliche) □ (in USA) State Secretary, Segretario di Stato ( Ministro degli Esteri) □ (polit.) state socialism, socialismo reale □ (fisc., USA) State tax, imposta statale (o locale) □ (econ.) state-trading countries, paesi a commercio di Stato □ state trial, processo politico □ ( USA) State trooper, agente della polizia di (un singolo) Stato □ state university, università statale □ (fam.) to get into a state, agitarsi; innervosirsi □ (relig. e fig.) to be in a state of grace, essere in stato di grazia □ to lie in state, essere esposto solennemente nella camera ardente ( nei funerali di stato) □ (stor. USA) a slave State, uno Stato schiavista □ His affairs are in a bad state, gli affari gli vanno male □ The house is in a good state of repair, la casa non ha bisogno di riparazioni.♦ (to) state /steɪt/v. t.1 dichiarare; affermare; asserire; esprimere; esporre; formulare; spiegare; specificare: I've stated my opinion, ho espresso la mia opinione; The witness stated the facts very clearly, il teste espose i fatti con grande chiarezza; to state full particulars, specificare tutti i particolari; He did not state why, non ha specificato il motivo NOTA D'USO: - to report o to state?-2 determinare; fissare; stabilire: No precise time had been stated, non era stata fissata un'ora esatta● to state one's case, esporre le proprie ragioni; (leg.) esporre i fatti □ (bur.) to state one's name and address, declinare le generalità e dare il proprio indirizzo □ (leg.) to state reasons for a judgment, motivare una sentenza □ ( nelle offerte di lavoro) «State salary required», «indicare le pretese economiche». -
16 agency
1) орган (учреждение, организация); агентство3) агентский договор (договор поручения, договор комиссии)4) содействие; посредничество5) функция; фактор•agency by estoppel — представительство в силу неопровержимой правовой презумпции (когда принципал лишён права отрицать наличие представительства в силу характера своих действий);
agency by operation of law — представительство в силу закона;
- adjusting agencyagency coupled with interest — предоставленное агенту право на извлечение выгоды из предмета агентского договора;
- administrative agency
- advisory agency
- bail agency
- civil enforcement agency
- collection agency
- congressional agency
- correctional agency
- crime detection agency
- criminal agency
- criminal enforcement agency
- detective agency
- exclusive agency
- executing agency
- executive agency
- express agency
- federal agency
- general agency
- governmental agency
- government agency
- highway patrol agency
- human agency
- implied agency
- intelligence agency
- investigative agency
- judicial agency
- law enforcement agency
- legal agency
- legal aid agency
- local agency
- local police agency
- non-cabinet agency
- non-judicial agency
- non-profit agency
- ostensible agency
- parole agency
- patent agency
- personnel agency
- police agency
- policing agency
- presidential agency
- pretrial services agency
- private detective agency
- probation agency
- prosecuting agency
- public agency
- public detection agency
- quasi-judicial agency
- regional agency
- regulating agency
- rehabilitation agency
- special agency
- spontaneous agency
- state agency
- state police agency
- universal agency
- voluntary agency
- watchdog agency
- investigatory agency
- public detective agency
- regulatory agency
- rehabilitative agency -
17 agency
сущ.сокр. agcy1) общ. агентство, орган, учреждение, организация, бюро, служба, ведомствоATTRIBUTES:
Syn:See:administrative agency, distribution agency, enforcement agency, executive agency, federal agency, independent agency 1), international agency, quasi-official agency, private agency, public agency, regional agency, regulatory agency, specialized agency, support agency, welfare agency, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation, Agency for Francophony, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Agency for Instructional Television, Agency for International Development, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Army Audit Agency, Canada Border Services Agency, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Canada Revenue Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Commissary Agency, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Contract Management Agency, Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Legal Services Agency, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, European Research Coordination Agency, Farm Service Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Foreign Investment Review Agency, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Development Cooperation Agency, International Energy Agency, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, Minority Business Development Agency, Missile Defense Agency, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, Mutual Security Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, National Security Agency, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Nuclear Energy Agency, Risk Management Agency, Trade and Development Agency, White House Communications Agency, White House Transportation Agency, public body, subagency 1)2) эк. агентство, посредническая организация, организация-посредник (специализирующаяся на предоставлении услуг другим компаниям, напр., рекламных, страховых, информационных и т. п.)recruitment agency — кадровое [рекрутинговое\] агентство
See:CHILD [object\]: advertising agency, canalizing agency, cargo agency, clearing agency, collection agency, credit repair agency, customs agency, export credit agency, financing agency, forwarding agency, insurance agency, mercantile agency, national numbering agency, port agency, rating agency, sales agency, selling agency, shipping agency, ships agency CHILD [scope\]: a la carte agency, full-service agency, limited-service agency, single-service agency, agency bill 1), agency commission, agency fee 1)3) общ. посредничество, содействие, поддержка, помощь; действие, деятельность ( в качестве посредника)COMBS:
by the agency of, through the agency of — посредством, при помощи, при содействии (чего-л. или кого-л.)
4) общ. фактор, средство (достижения какого-л. результата)In the 20th century science becomes an agency of destruction. — В 20 в. наука становится разрушительной силой.
5) агентские отношения, поручительство, представительствоа) юр., эк. (взаимоотношения между доверителем (принципалом) и агентом, представляющим интересы первого в различных операциях; в американском праве — юридическая форма предпринимательства)See:agency by estoppel, agency by necessity, agency by appointment, agency by ratification, exclusive agency, general agency, independent agency 2), sole agency, agency account, agency agreement, agency contract, agency fee 2), agency fund, contract of agency, principal 1. 3), agent 1. 1), agent's duties to principal, subagency 2)б) юр., эк., амер. (согласно официальному определению института поручительства в американском праве, имеющемуся во Втором обновленном изложении права: доверительное отношение, проистекающее из выражения согласия одной из сторон доверия другой стороне действовать на вере и под контролем первой стороны и согласия на это второй стороны)See:6) соц. свобода действия (способность людей действовать независимо от ограничений, накладываемых социальной структурой)7) соц. влияние (по Э. Гидденсу: действия людей, способные менять социальное устройство, синоним власти)See:8) мн., фин., амер. = agency security
* * *
agency (Agсy) 1) агентство, государственное учреждение или организация; 2) агент, представитель, посредник; компания или организация, специализирующаяся на предоставлении услуг другим компаниям (реклама, недвижимость, страхование, поиск сотрудников и др.);3) юридические отношения между принципалом и агентом, который представляет интересы первого в различных операциях; 4) агентские услуги: купля-продажа финансовых инструментов или товаров по поручению и за счет клиента; представление интересов принципала агентом; 5) ценные бумаги государственных агентств; = agencies.* * *агентство; агентские отношения; агентские услуги; отношения представительства; агентский договор; договор поручения; поручение; агентская деятельность. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *1. предпринимательская деятельность, осуществляемая коммерческим агентом2. взаимоотношения между агентом и его патроном -
18 agency
n1) агентство, представительство; орган, организация, учреждение
- ad hoc agency
- advertising agency
- child placement agency
- commercial agency
- consumer protection agency
- credit agency
- credit-rating agency
- credit reference agency
- customs agency
- debt collection agency
- designated agency
- employment agency
- estate agency
- exclusive agency
- executing agency
- export credit agency
- facilitating agency
- forwarding agency
- full service agency
- government agency
- initiating agency
- insurance agency
- joint agency
- law enforcement agency
- lending agency
- limited-service agency
- local self-governing agency
- marketing services agency
- market research agency
- mercantile agency
- mutual agency
- news agency
- paying agency
- press agency
- private agency
- procurement agency
- public relations agency
- publicity agency
- purchasing agency
- rating agency
- recruiting agency
- sales promotion agency
- shipping agency
- ship's agency
- sole agency
- special agency
- state agency
- status enquiry agency
- technical agency
- tourist agency
- trade agency
- transport agency
- travel agency
- agency of a broker
- establish an agency
- run an agency
- take up an agency
- undertake the exclusive agency
- use the services of an agencyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > agency
19 state
1. n тк. состояние, положение2. n строение, структура3. n общественное положение,4. n великолепие, пышность; помпа, парадность5. n напряжённое или возбуждённое состояние6. n полигр. корректурный оттиск гравюры7. v излагать; заявлять; формулировать8. v констатировать, утверждатьhe positively stated that he had never seen the accused man — он решительно утверждал, что никогда не видел обвиняемого
9. v устанавливать; точно определять10. v редк. помещать, располагать, размещать11. n государствоstates parties — государства — участники
12. n государственный аппарат13. n государственная власть; светская власть14. n разг. госдепартамент15. n штатCornhusker State — «Кукурузный штат»
16. n разг. Соединённые Штаты Америки17. a государственныйstate prisoner — лицо, осуждённое за политическое преступление, политический заключённый
18. a амер. относящийся к штатуState law — право штата, закон штата
Lone-Star State — штат «Одинокой звезды»
Синонимический ряд:1. federal (adj.) federal; governmental; national; official2. government (adj.) government; public3. attitude (noun) attitude; mood; morale; spirits4. form (noun) constitution; form; phase; structure5. glory (noun) glory; grandeur; pomp; splendor6. nation (noun) commonwealth; community; country; federation; government; kingdom; land; nation; polity; republic7. principality (noun) principality; province; territory8. status (noun) cachet; capacity; case; character; circumstance; circumstances; condition; consequence; dignity; estate; footing; mode; place; plight; position; posture; predicament; prestige; quality; rank; situation; standing; station; stature; status9. allege (verb) allege; claim; profess10. certify (verb) certify; confirm; validate11. describe (verb) describe; elucidate; explain; expound; present12. disclose (verb) disclose; divulge; manifest; reveal13. hold (verb) affirm; assert; asseverate; aver; avouch; avow; contend; declare; hold; insist; maintain14. relate (verb) narrate; recite; recount; rehearse; relate; report15. say (verb) affirm; air; articulate; assert; authorise; authorize; bring out; chime in; come out with; communicate; convey; declare; deliver; determine; enounce; enunciate; express; fix; give; pronounce; put; say; speak; tell; throw out; utter; vent; ventilate; vocalise; voiceАнтонимический ряд:deny; hide; simplicity; suppress; unofficial; withhold -
20 State of Registry
The State on whose register the aircraft is entered.Note.— In the case of the registration of aircraft of an international operating agency on other than a national basis, the States constituting the agency are jointly and severally bound to assume the obligations which, under the Chicago Convention, attach to a State of Registry. See, in this regard, the Council Resolution of 14 December 1967 on Nationality and Registration of Aircraft Operated by International Operating Agencies which can be found in Policy and Guidance Material on the Economic Regulation of International Air Transport (Doc 9587).(AN 6/I; AN 6/II; AN 6/III; AN 7; AN 8; AN 9; AN 12; AN 13)Official definition modified by Amdt 16 to AN 9 (31/08/1997).The note to the official definition appears only in Annex 6, Parts I, II, and III, Annex 8 and Annex 13.Государство, в реестр которого занесено воздушное судно.Примечание. В случае регистрации воздушного судна какого-либо международного эксплуатационного агентства не на основе национальной принадлежности государства, входящие в это агентство, обязаны солидарно нести ответственность, которая в соответствии с Чикагской конвенцией возлагается на государство регистрации. См. в связи с этим резолюцию Совета от 14 декабря 1967 года о национальной принадлежности и регистрации воздушных судов, эксплуатируемых международными эксплуатационными агентствами, которая приводится в документе ‘Политика и инструктивный материал в области экономического регулирования международного воздушного транспорта’ (Dос 9587).International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > State of Registry
См. также в других словарях:
state agency — A department, commission, board, committee, or body of any form operating as an instrumentality of the state government … Ballentine's law dictionary
Oklahoma State Agency Databases — Contents 1 Multi Agency Resources 1.1 SoonerSearch 1.2 Oklahoma State Government Online 1.3 Surf OK … Wikipedia
Civil Defense State Agency of Puerto Rico — The Civil Defense State Agency of Puerto Rico or Agencia Estatal de la Defensa Civil de Puerto Rico in Spanish is an agency of the government of Puerto Rico that oversees all emergency activities that occur in Puerto Rico. Its mission its to… … Wikipedia
State Library of North Carolina — Facts Name: State Library of North Carolina Established: 1812 State Librarian: Mary Boone City: Raleigh State: North Carolina … Wikipedia
state — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 condition ADJECTIVE ▪ acceptable, fit, good, healthy ▪ She managed to get the company s finances into a healthy state. ▪ appalling (esp. BrE) … Collocations dictionary
State Library of Ohio — Infobox Library library name = State Library of Ohio library location = Columbus, Ohio established = 1817 director = Jo Budler num employees = 80 website = [http://www.library.ohio.gov/ State Library of Ohio] |The State Library of Ohio is a state … Wikipedia
agency — In context of general equities, buying or selling for the account and risk of a customer. Generally, an agent, or broker, acts as intermediary between buyer and seller, taking no financial risk personally or as a firm, and charging a commission… … Financial and business terms
State Hydraulic Works (Turkey) — The State Hydraulic Works ( tr. Devlet Su İşleri or DSİ) is a state agency organized under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey [ [http://www.dsi.gov.tr/kurumsal/yonetim.htm DSI Organization] tr icon] responsible for the utilization … Wikipedia
State highways in Virginia — infobox state highway system shields= caption=Primary and secondary State Route shields state=State Route X (SR X) or Virginia Route X (VA X) interstate=Interstate X (I X) us=U.S. Route X (US X) notes=Outside cities and a few counties, every road … Wikipedia
State auditor — A state auditors (also state comptrollers or state controllers) are executive officers of U.S. states who serve as auditors and comptrollers for state funds. The office of state auditor is often a constitutional office (that is, it is created by… … Wikipedia
State Accident Insurance Fund — The State Accident Insurance Fund Corporation (SAIF) is a not for profit, state chartered workers’ compensation insurance company in the U.S. state of Oregon. It provides workers compensation insurance for Oregon employers. SAIF was created in… … Wikipedia